Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How to get current logged in user's group name in SharePoint

Based on my last project requirement i need the current logged in user's group name so that we can hide and show something on page load.

There were a lot of ways but i like the smallest way to do this.
Here it is:-

Get Current User Group (C# example)

foreach(SPGroup group in SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.Groups)
{ string groupName = group.Name;

Seems cool???

Kuldeep Kadyan


Anonymous said...

Hi, after opening the list in sharepoint designer,where in the code do we put these lines?????

I need to hine a column based on the user's group.


K.D.Kadyan said...


This is c# code. So you need to put this in web part.

Other option is to use c# script in your page the you can use the same code using the SP designer.

Kuldeep Kadyan.